The boys had a great time coloring Easter eggs for the first time. Our eggs were Star Wars and Cars Movie themed. My friends, Katherine and Lori, and I decided to keep the tradition that our mothers started and made an Easter egg hunt for our kids the saturday before Easter. It was a lot of fun. It always amazes me how much chocholate the kids can eat in a 24 hour period.
Sam is the best big brother to Mo. He loves to play with him and does a great job sharing. It is fun to see their relationship developing. Sam loves preschool. He is learning his letters and always asking what letter certain words start with. He is into Star Wars and Super Heros. He has just recently discovered that dad has this endless supply of Star Wars figures that emerge from the basement one at a time to be played with only during Mo's nap time.
Mo is always on the go. He loves to follow Sam around, climb on everything, and eat crackers. He is pleasant and fun and speaking well. We tell him his name is Cannon too, but he just looks at us and says "no, its Mo."
This year haas been a year of firsts for us. Some how my life long friend, Katherine Lyman Jones talked me into training for the Moab Half Marathon. I fought off injuries and ran in 20 degree weather many times, but it was actually a very rewarding process. It can become addicting seeing if you can add a mile to your long run each week, then feeling proud that you did. The race was hard, but I finished. I completed the run with Katherine Jones and Melissa Stringham, and by with I mean behind. We made a weekend of it down in Moab with the Jones family. We spent the afternoon after the race swimming and hot tubbing- which was just what I needed. I am actually am going to try in one more time next month in the Salt Lake City Half Marathon.