Friday, January 23, 2009

Junior Jazz Sam

Sam's friend asked him to play basketball with him this winter. (Yes they do start them that young) He started Junior Jazz two weeks ago and loves it. Last week he kept asking if he was going to play basketball today. On the morning of his game he woke up at 6 am and was dressed and ready to play. He then bugged James every 5 minutes, asking if it was time yet, until his 9am game.


Terri said...

Sam looks so big! Was he dribbing the ball... looks like some travling to me. I hope he makes his daddy proud!

Sally said...

He looks so cute in his basketball gear!

Kendra said...

Love it! Start em young!

The Burts said...

Sam looks so old in that uniform! He is growing up too fast! I can't believe I called Mo "Sam" the other day when I was picking up Adam. He looked just like him. The funny thing about it, Mo was in a diaper. I know Sam wouldn't like to be in diapers again. Cute kids.