Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Favorite Pictures From Our San Diego Trip

We got to spend a week with my family in San Diego for my parents' 40th anniversary. We had so much fun playing with cousins, going to the zoo, Sea World, Lego Land, and The Beach. My kids loved playing in the waves. Their Uncles built some awesome sand castles.

The 14 grandkids blended into the zoo life well!

Sam refused to snuggle in with his girl cousins.
Thank goodness James can handle the spinning, twirling rides. I take after my mom (as does Matt) and we watched Terri and James go on some of the rides with the kids.

We played hard all day and stayed up way too late !!


Cannon Clan said...

that was so fun, i really love that picture of sam with his tounge out by maia and summer sooo funny!

Julie Markham said...

I'm jealous of the wonderful time you had. Plus, you got such great pictures!

Sally said...

Great pics! I'm still going through ALL of mine! :)

Kendra said...

I saw Sally's pictures! So very very cool that you guys did that!!! What a great time it looks liek you had! Look at what your parents have accomplished in 40 years!!

HILL HESS said...

Great pics! Looks like you had a blast!!