Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sam started 1st Grade

Sam has been telling me all August how excited he is that he gets to go to school all day. He
got to pick out his desk and his locker the night before school started and meet his teacher. He looks so grown up. After his first day I asked him what his favorite thing was. He replied lunch and recess...they get to have recess 3 times not just once. I guess that was what all the excitement was for...not reading, writing, math :)
Today we were getting ready to take him to school and he found out Mo was going to Kid's Club without him...he was so mad! I think he gets it now. He goes to school all day and Mo gets to play. Mo is more bored now that he has to play with me. His school doesn't start for 2 more weeks. Thankfully on the days I work he gets to have cousin Clark come over and build him awesome things out of Legos. He keeps asking me when Clark is going to come over.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trip to St. George to say good bye to summer

Charisse invited us to play in St. George the week before school started to say goodbye to summer. We had a blast. Their pool has the amazing backdrop of snow canyon. We even got to go to dinner and swim with the Seninger gals because they were bringing Sierra down to school.
(Kathy is the one reading a cycling magazine with a shirt over her head.) We watched movies, decorated sugar cookies, and played games. Elias even beat me and Charisse in a game of Scrabble (with some helpful pointers on where to use the "x" tile and "s" tile to complete a double word score.)

My Daddy is My Favorite Pal....

My dad emailed a while ago and said to send him a "to do list" for next time they come up. He wanted to help us with some much needed items around our house.
They came up a few weeks ago and he went to town!!!

He built some awesome shelves in both bedroom closets!! I no longer have to stack things 5 feet high, fearing that they will fall on me when I go to retrieve something.

He also fixed broken shutters, a broken closet door, a leaky faucet, hung mirrors and hooks, and even found time to battle the spurge in my lawn.
Thanks Dad!!! You are the best. We can't thank you enough.
P.S. I have already started my next list--wink, wink.